
So what is QleeQ?

QleeQ Overview

QleeQ, with a patent pending idea, is developing a Product that is Ranking the Web, Sensing the most suitable web opinion on the user’s Sensetence and quickly presenting a simple scale that the user will be able to read in-a-glace. QleeQ won the first prize in the Israeli Startup Weekend voted by IBM, Google, Genesis Partners, Gemini, SIT (an innovation advocate company), the Startup Weekend management (Israeli and general) and others.

Search engines, Social Media and Wikis gather the Web or vertical market of the web and either present overwhelming number of results for the user to surf and decide, or presents a small oriented experts that try to solve Pure Facts Knowledge or best cases. In either way the user has to decide if the answer is correct and is suitable for him and spend time in both waiting for an answer or surf all the sites, blogs and wikis to find the opinion. Many companies (like News agencies, Commerce and others) invest a lot of efforts (time and money) to verify the most common opinion on its interesting Sensetences. The expenses users and companies made are in their core and non-core activities; hence carry implementation and maintenance costs.
Many surveys and researches were conducted about the mass information over the Web and to make it even more complicated, the Web 2.0 created a long tail of knowledge providers (blogs, websites, forums, social media etc.) thus making the information extraction a challenge. QleeQ solves this issue by presenting a user-friendly Scale to orient the user to the correct opinion.

Need QleeQ
Consumer problem #1 is to have a Credible Information Easily and Immediately based on his own interests with minimum efforts. Current tools make consumers and companies spend time and money researching and analyzing data in the overwhelming data on the web.

QleeQ Products
Digital Web Sense that enables users to enter their most interesting sentence (we call it Sensetence) and receive automatically and immediately a one-line, Red-Gray-Green scale, rank 0-100% of what is the common opinion on the web on it. A Sensetence can include – Thoughts, Opinion, Hobbies, Facts, none Facts, and actually all the interesting stuff the user has in mind.
The QleeQ True product will be issued in the future

QleeQ Mission
QleeQ Near-term mission statement is to Rank a User sentence according to a common opinion, based on digital Information Sources. QleeQ refers to the USER’s sentence as Sensetence and presents at a glance – in a Red-Gray-Green scale – an answer to “Other people are thinking that…”. The Rank is a number between 0 and 100%.

QleeQ is actually sensing the Web for the user’s opinion - Sensetence - thus saves time and efforts utilizing search engines, Wikis and knowledge bases. The rank is based on both Linguistic and Semantic engines. The business process is that a User shares his Sensetence, QleeQ’s algorithm goes into action and an answer is presented on the scale. Later the user is able to share his Sensetence on Facebook, Google Buzz, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media. It is actually a reverse angel of social media’s question “What’s on your mind?”

QleeQ Long-term mission statement is to become the Credibility Authority of Information on the web by Providing Credibility Ranking of User Phrases based on Digital Information Sources and to Allow users to have a Rating and Ranking of a desired information.
All Rights Reserved to QleeQ

by, Dan Schamir
QleeQ, CEO founder


WOM - Word of Mouth, is it still relevant?

WOM - Word of Mouth is an old-new approach for spreading the Word about your business out. This approach is relying heavily (almost solely) on friends. Your Facebook friends? Your Twitter friends? Your LinkedIn friends? well, all of them. You think you know them? think again.

Yet, in this environment populated by marketers, consumers are becoming more skeptical. A 2010 study by PR firm Edelman showed that the number of people who view their friends as credible sources of brand recommendations has dropped 20 percent since 2008. 

Only 25 percent of respondents said they believed their networks

One explanation behind this trend, Advertising Age suggests, is that consumers are increasingly concerned that customer evangelism might not be as genuine, after all. Today,people approach positive reviews and posts with skepticism because they expect the so-called “evangelists” might be paid freelancers.

the so-called “evangelists” might be paid freelancers (Bush, Michae, In Age of Friending, Consumers Trust Their Friends Less, Advertising Age, Feb. 2010)

Lots of noise background from marketers, sales persons, organizations etc., QleeQ is reducing that noise to nothing and distinguish the 

In its organic state—consumers recommending a brand based purely on their positive experiences with its product or services—word-of-mouth marketing shows a deep human instinct for sharing valuable information. But removed from its organic state, word-of-mouth marketing can exploit consumers.
Some companies hire people to recommend their brand without announcing their status as marketers. In 2002, for instance, Sony Ericsson placed fake touristsin New York City to ask passers-by to take their pictures with Sony’s T68i mobile phone and digital camera. The purpose of this initiative was to demonstrate the phone’s features in a more organic and less sales-oriented way. But the fake tourists never revealed their affiliation with Sony Ericsson.

for proper disclosure, The FTC recently revised its guidelines to include a clause obliging bloggers to disclose “the material connections they share with the seller of the product or service. ”Bloggers now have to announce their endorsements openly or pay a fine up to $11,000 per post for violating the new rule.

Marketing plan for using Social media  

1. Measure Social Media Followers
2. Survey your Marketing, PR and Marcom departments
3. Track Customers, Suppliers, Competitors, Brans and Services near you 
4. Hear your employers

mostly saved by QleeQ


Dan Schamir
QleeQ founder CEO


QleeQ - Sensing the Internet for Collective Wisdom

What -
·         Internet doubles itself every 8 month
  • Search statistics for users
    • in 2002 - 10 minutes for simple search
    • in 2007 - 20 minutes for simple search
    • in 2020 - 120 minutes for simple search (based on keywords algorithm)
  • Screening for non relevant information in search results increased from 10 minutes at 2001 to 20 minutes at 2008
    • Suggesting that human intelligence will be much more important than the search engine whilst searching
·         80% of Bing's queries are rephrased
  • Poor quality of search engines - 
    • Google textual database doubles itself every 8 months making search effectiveness and quality downgrades
·         Think Earth
o    Consumers waste 170 Billion KW/h for Insufficient Search Information
§  Annually, Globally; smartcamp.co.il
  • Complex queries are impossible to find  
    • "What is the divorce rate in the pacific-west?" it is up to the user's intelligence, decisions and cognitive abilities
    • "Electric cars are suitable for driving in desert conditions"?!
We aim QleeQ to solve the aforementioned issues by eliminating the use of ordinary "keywords search", moving towards Natural Language results

QleeQ provides a simple and intuitive user interface for analyzing the Internet without creating a ‘knowledge center’ site. This interface enables users to stay at their comfort zone sites – social media, news and entertainment, hobbies and finance etc. while getting the top up-to-date results for their most interesting topic.

See you in the next blog!
Dan Schamir